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Matthew 28:19-20 - The Power of the Call

I am in an International Bible Study that operates in over 2000+ locations all over the world. It is amazing that every week we are all on the same lesson. While I may be in Kentucky on Monday or in Europe on a Wednesday, or in South Africa on Thursday or even in China on Friday, we are all on the same lesson for the week! To me this solidifies that as we open our mouths and speak for the Lord, and open our hands and do for the Lord, and as we move our feet and go as the Lord determines, the Word will go forth. Disciples for Christ will continue to be raised up and the harvest will remain plentiful even in a world full of political discord, racial violence, destructive wars, and the senseless killing of innocent Christians, God is still in control and God still sits on the throne!

It is of tremendous comfort to know that my Bible Study is all over the world. How courageous, powerful and selfless our Study leaders must be to bear up under opposition to get the Word to those who so desperately seek to hear God’s voice. They have taken to heart and live boldly according to the mandate of Matthew 28:19-20, “Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” And they are confident to stand on His Word that says, “Surely I am with you even to the very end of the age.” It is our duty to pray for them. Pray for them and for all Missionaries who have received God’s call to go and take the Word to the most barren desolate, dangerously violent places. Their peace comes in knowing they are prayed for, they are loved, and that God is preparing great rewards for His faithful servants who fulfill His call to be Missionaries.

Oh Lord, we pray for those faithful saints who navigate through dangerous lands to reach the lost for Jesus. Provide for their needs and protect them from troubles, wickedness and evil seen and unseen. Protect their health, provide for their needs. Give comfort and encouragement to their loved ones they have left at home while they fulfill God’s call on their lives. Lord give them success as they plant seeds in hopes of bearing fruit and a great Harvest for Your kingdom. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Cynthia Jones is a child of God, wife, mom and Shazzy Fitness guest blogger. Cynthia has led several Women’s Ministries for over 28 years; she and her husband serve all over the country, mentoring and teaching couples how to love & grow according to God’s design for Christian marriage. Subscribe to our newsletter and get awesome updates on faith, fitness, fun, family and fellowship!


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