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Power, Love, and a Sound Mind

Health is something that has been in the news constantly in the wake of coronavirus, and although it is a time of uncertainty and fear, it is comforting to know that God, the Great Healer, is in control. The media is largely focused on physical health, but it is no secret that the unexpected and drastic changes to our lives can have a significant on our mental health as well.

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 
— 2 Timothy 1:7

fear darknessFear can be more contagious than even the most aggressive virus, and I realize that the worry about the health and safety of our loved ones, uncertainty of the future, and social-distancing for the foreseeable future can be really scary. When we feel like we are powerless, the all-powerful and all-knowing God of the universe gives us a position of power, the ability to love, and sound presence of mind. The best way to overcome this pandemic is by being proactive, not reacting out of fear.

Having power can feel impossible when it seems like any sense of normalcy and routine has been ripped away, but what we do have power over is our perspective. We can regulate our news and social media intake, and making sure that the information that we do consume is from reliable sources, because hearing about the pandemic constantly can be upsetting. We can make time to unwind and do activities that we enjoy instead of putting pressure on ourselves to be just as productive as we are normally.

self careThe Bible says in 1 John 4:18 that “perfect love casts out fear,” and the overwhelming love of God makes all of our fears seem miniscule in comparison. Sharing love can mean playing games with your kids, calling a family member or friends, and simply connecting with other people. It also means loving yourself by prioritizing nutrition, getting plenty of rest, doing a face mask and treating yourself to a DIY spa day, or making your favorite treats. Speak love through your words and actions, both to others and yourself, because love is how we will overcome fear.

Spend time being encouraged by God’s Word, and pray for strength and a sound mind to navigate this new season of life. Talk to those who you trust about the feelings and concerns you are experiencing, and be open and honest if you are struggling with anxiety or depression. In some translations, “sound mind” can also be written as “self-control.” There might not be much that we control right now as most of us are at home just trying to take it day by day, but we can control how we choose to approach every day. Approach it with your God-give power, love, and sound mind, and you will come out of this season stronger than you ever thought possible.


Sunitha KonathamSunitha Konatham, a Shazzy Fitness guest blogger, is a pre-med college student and freelance writer who loves spreading joy and encouragement through her writing about faith, health, music, and the little moments that make life a little sweeter at her blog: For This Very Moment.


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