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Feeling Overwhelmed With Your Fitness Goals? TAKE IT EASY!

goals plannerWe live in a world of information overload, where everyone is an expert and everyone has an opinion. This oversaturation of information is particularly overwhelming when it comes to finding guidance for our personal health and fitness goals.  Be honest—you probably have a secret Pinterest board with hundreds of pins to motivate you towards your fitness goals. Yet, here you sit, in front of your screen…and you haven’t moved yet. It’s overwhelming, we get it. Your goals seem too lofty to attain, and you are so far from being where you want, that you simply keep pinning those inspirational pins, with the intention that ‘one day’, you’ll get it together and start moving.  

Who’s kidding who? This isn’t God’s best for us. God so desires for us to have the strength and energy to love others, to experience His goodness and love, and to enjoy our lives and the creation He has given us.

running and sunsetWe all know that God is concerned for our spiritual health, but He is concerned for our physical well-being as well. Our bodies matter to Him—a lot!  The very hairs on our head are numbered. Clearly, that’s commitment! He wants us to be well, to be vibrant, and radiate health. More than anything, He does NOT want you to feel overwhelmed about managing your health and fitness goals. Rather, He wants you to experience peace and joy about your fitness journey.  

One of the best ways to feel less overwhelmed is to simply take things step by step, and day by day.  Simply ask yourself what are some things you can do TODAY that will move you towards your goals? Make little choices daily with your fitness in mind. This may involve practical steps like cutting your evening Netflix binge a bit short so that you can go to bed earlier, wake up before your household, and take a walk in the early morning air.  It could also include parking further away from the mall entrance to get in some extra steps when you run errands.

happy working outMore than anything, though, do NOT overthink your fitness journey by looking at the magnitude of it; rather, break things down into manageable, daily tasks that you can easily complete. The next thing you know, you’ll have made significant progress, and your consistency will have formed a new, healthy habit…not to mention you’ll be looking and feeling great!

Above all, though, remind yourself constantly that God is for you in this journey! There will be days when you feel like you’ve been hit upside the head with a block of cement, and you will not want to exercise. There will be days when the cheesecake speaks louder than anything. These are the moments you have to tell yourself (say it out loud if you must) that you are able for the task.

“I can do all things through Him who strengthens and empowers me . . . I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses me with inner strength”

Philippians 4:13 Amplified


So, get off Pinterest and get a move on. God is FOR YOU!


*Article written by a Shazzy Fitness guest blogger.


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