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Get Wisdom First!

an attempt to cut carbsIn February, I decided I wanted to get healthier and lose some weight. I wanted to delete selected carbohydrates from my diet—mainly bread, potato chips and french fries—six days a week. Desserts were cut Monday through Friday. Mind you, this was without the consultation of a nutritionist, trainer or even a book.

I also starting spinning at the gym and doing some weights three days a week. This sounded like a great plan! Less flour and sodium in the bread, less sugar from the desserts and starchy french fries. Surely, the pounds were going to drop and my clothes were going to fit better instantly! But it didn’t happen...instead I gained 3lbs right away! That was a devastating mystery because two weeks prior I had lost three pounds while still eating bread and fries and doing moderate exercise. Confusion and anger was just some of what I felt!

Being strong-willed and self-reliant are often traits that I must reluctantly admit have led me astray in the past. Facing my humiliation in solitude, I finally consulted the One who made me. Lord, what is going on? Why am I gaining instead of losing? Illumination came after I sat there for a while awaiting my answer. I had brilliantly substituted crackers for bread, lots of crackers! Not just two or three, but 10 or 12 at a time, everyday! Sometimes as much as a whole sleeve of the “short stacks” of Ritz Crackers twice a day. Not once had I considered reading a nutritional label on the boxes of crackers I devoured! I knew what I was doing, right?

a pack a day cracker habitI finally picked up a box and a loaf of bread to do a comparison. Here’s what I discovered: 10-12 crackers has over twice the calories and fat as one loaf of bread, plus more sodium and sugar. I had sabotaged all my physical efforts by eating what was counter-productive to my goals! How could I not have known that? Maybe I did subconsciously, but wanted to do things my way and hope for good results.

Prayer, study and consultation should have proceeded my plans to lose weight. Wisdom is achieved by doing all of the above. This was a strong reminder for our life as Christians. To enjoy success, joy and personal satisfaction in life we should always “Commit thy works unto the Lord and He will establish your plans" (Proverbs 16:3).

prayer and consultationAt the start of our day, ask God to help you prioritize and give you energy, strength, and fortitude to meet your requirements as well as to guard your words, attitudes and responses because most days we know someone will attempt to throw us off or work our nerves! If I have spent time in God’s Word I will be equipped with integrity and humility because I have His word hidden in my heart. Next time, I will pray, then consult with an expert on health, and do my due diligence prior to starting my plan. As the result of my learnings, wisdom will be the bi-product of my efforts.

“Wisdom is the principal thing: Therefore get wisdom. In all your getting, get understanding.” Proverbs 4:7

Cynthia Jones is a child of God, wife, mom and Shazzy Fitness guest blogger. Cynthia has led several Women’s Ministries for over 28 years; she and her husband serve all over the country, mentoring and teaching couples how to love & grow according to God’s design for Christian marriage. Subscribe to our newsletter and get awesome updates on faith, fitness, fun, family and fellowship!


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