Getting tired in these dark days? Here's a little pick-me-up as a reminder of what's truly important in this troubled world.
Be blessed!
Feeling down? Weary from looking down?
Cheer up! Look up! Start living it up!
Jesus suffered so we could live life abundantly! Heaven begins with the confession of Faith!
Believe it. Proclaim it! Live gratefully!
Gratitude activates God’s plans for your life. Don’t diminish the blessings He has for you by living down, defeated, and depressed. This interrupts, stalls, and denies the benefits of God’s Amazing Grace. Reach up in joyful expectation. Open your hands to receive. Open your voice in praise and worship!
Live inside His blessings. Stop looking from the inside out of the prison in which you alone hold yourself captive. Stop living on the fringes and sidelines of His love. Stop watching while others relish the joy that could be yours. What’s holding you back? Get up, laugh, dance and sing praises to His name! Experience firsthand the beauty and gifts He has for us all. Rejoice in the overflow…get out and smell the flowers, taste the goodness of the Lord—there's enough to carry us all through eternity! His goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our lives!
"Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in His mighty Heavens. Praise Him for His surpassing greatness…Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!" Psalm 150.
Cynthia Jones is a child of God, wife, mom and Shazzy Fitness guest blogger. Cynthia has led several Women’s Ministries for over 28 years; she and her husband serve all over the country, mentoring and teaching couples how to love & grow according to God’s design for Christian marriage. Subscribe to our newsletter and get awesome updates on faith, fitness, fun, family and fellowship!