Does God know that we all have issues..problems.. and at times flat out a bad attitude? Yes, He’s quite aware of the laundry list of areas in our lives that we’ve been working on, readjusting, transforming and doing home renovations on so we can better please God with the offering of our lives. My Friends, know with great assurance that because of Jesus’ shed blood on the Cross, when our Father looks at us He doesn’t see some sinful ugly dirty terrible mess of a person. God looks at us and smiles because of His grace and love for us. The enemy’s spirit of condemnation can cause us to see only our flaws, weaknesses and mistakes.
With one misstep, one poor choice, one bad decision Satan will start to tear at our confidence, tug at our faith and try to rip apart our hope by telling us we are not worthy.
The enemy will whisper and increase the volume of his lies until we begin to doubt who we are and who we belong to. We will start to lose sight of everything good God has placed in us.
We forget that “He has begun a good work in us” and that we have made great strides in our faith, our growth and our service. Praise God! He sees, hears and know everything. He will deal with the Destroyer as only He can. God is greater than anything, any problem and any situation that comes in our path. He say’s “Touch not My anointed” and appointed. He says, “He will refute every lie of the enemy”. He will not allow us to wallow in despair and hopelessness.
The Holy Spirit will go to work within us as we pray and read God’s Word. He will start His restoration work on the inside to strengthen us and renew a “Right Spirit” in us. Sometimes God will send someone to remind us who we are or to encourage us. Out of the blue a compliment will come…”You have always been so thoughtful”, “I remember when you did this for me and you showed such great kindness” or “You have such a good and compassionate heart”. These encouraging words remind us we are good.
Let God’s Spirit remind us today of every strength.
He’s given us to will and to do His good works through us.
Yes, He prunes, corrects, builds, and grooms us. We can’t stay the same on the path to sanctification. But know that He loves us, we are His and He finds us worthy and worthwhile to share in His inheritance. Our job is to keep praising Him, keep thanking Him and glorifying Him with our humbly submitted and obedient lives. Daily, ask ourselves: “What do I love about the “Me” God made me to be? How can I use my life to glorify Him more?
We thank You Lord for reminding us all we are blessed to be made in Your image, we are good, and that you have a purpose for our lives.
Cynthia Jones is a child of God, wife, mom and Shazzy Fitness guest blogger. Cynthia has led several Women’s Ministries for over 28 years; she and her husband serve all over the country, mentoring and teaching couples how to love & grow according to God’s design for Christian marriage. Subscribe to our newsletter and get awesome updates on faith, fitness, fun, family and fellowship!