This week's Devotional - God's Everlasting Love

Jeremiah 31:3 says, “I have loved you with an everlasting love.”
God loves us eternally and always. Because He loves us He listens and even waits for our prayers. Our Father hears and receives our prayers with love and compassion whenever we call on His name. Our cares and concerns reach the very heart of our Father. Our good and our well-being are given daily priority for He gives us “new mercies every day”.
Our protection and provision are highly important as our Lord roams the whole earth to see how we are doing, what we are doing and what we are in need of. He promises to supply our needs and offers us His peace that “surpasses all of our understanding”. He will order our steps and send His angels to keep us from tripping over the smallest obstacle/stone. How do we learn about His everlasting love for us? Open His precious gift offered to each of us…His Word…The Bible.
Oh what joy it is that we can have as much of Jesus as we want! How often this week have we asked for an audience with our Lord? Do we seek Him in prayer before we start our day? Have we asked for His protection and guidance to navigate us through the day? How much time have we spent in His word?
Do we search for nuggets of truth to ensure we are worthwhile and that we are not on this journey of life without His power to strengthen and sustain us. Will you seek Him in corporate worship this week? He is there. Will we join our brothers and sisters in prayer, praise and listening to learn more about who He is? How much is it worth your time to get to know the One who showed how much He wants you to live by giving His life for ours.
He left glory to allow us close access to Him saying, “You can have as much of Me as you want, My arms are open wide!
Cynthia Jones is a child of God, wife, mom and Shazzy Fitness guest blogger. Cynthia has led several Women’s Ministries for over 28 years; she and her husband serve all over the country, mentoring and teaching couples how to love & grow according to God’s design for Christian marriage. Subscribe to our newsletter and get awesome updates on faith, fitness, fun, family and fellowship!