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Who You Callin' Old?

Four years ago, when I was in the early stages of forming the concept for our fitness program, there was one thing I always knew for sure.

Leslie Alison, who is one of our lead choreographers, is also the founder of Atlanta's first Senior Hip-Hop dance team, the Silver Classix Crew. Leslie Alison and Susan Faulkner from Shazzy Fitness dance teamEvery single member of the Silver Classix dance team is over 55 and if you have never seen them perform, I promise you would be in awe at how these folks can move! Whatever we did, and however we did it, it would have to represent people from all walks of life, in various stages of life – male, female, young adults and older adults, various body types and many, many hues of skin color. I was determined that people who were first introduced to our program, who may not know anything about what we do or who we are, would instantly feel some comfort in seeing that our family was so diverse, and that somewhere in our team of twelve, there was a member of the team that they themselves might identify with.

shazzy fitness senior dance team members - susan and kristy and dinahTwo of my favorite ladies on the planet, Susan Faulkner and Dinah Farrell, are members of the Shazzy Fitness dance team, as well as the Silver Classix Dance Crew.

I have grown to know these ladies well over the years. Whether it's a local fitness class, photo shoot or charity event, I can always count on them to volunteer their time and give it their all.

As a working mom with young children, there are sooooo many days when I tell myself that I'm going to workout, only to find myself exhausted at the end of the day with little or no motivation to squeeze it in.

Watching these ladies do what they do, at ages 60+, gives me the inspiration I need to push through whenever my will to workout needs a push. When I get to be their age, I plan to be just as healthy (inside and out) as they are – fit, confident and at peace with my body AND my age.

If you have seen our video "In the Beginning," both of these ladies will look familiar. They are both staple members of our Shazzy Fitness Christian Hip-Hop dance team and there are many camera shots of them rockin' it out with lead instructors Vera Rose and Leslie Alison’s cool-down routine.

We get countless questions, almost daily, asking if we have any videos for seniors or if people over 55 will be able to do them. Our answer is always the same: If you want perfection, then our videos may not be for you. But, if you have a desire to move and be fit, our workout program can be done by anyone, at any age or fitness level.

Both Dinah and Susan can testify to that!

Kristy McCarley is Founder and CEO of Shazzy Fitness. She writes blog articles about faith, dance, exercise, fitness and wellness. Click here to subscribe to our newsletter


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