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Fitness after 50: A conversation with Dinah

Beloved Shazzy Fitness dance team member, Dinah Farrell, talks about the importance of being fit after 50.


The ideal retirement snapshot usually has a beautiful house by the beach with an older couple sitting on the porch watching the sunset.  But this picture would only truly be complete if the couple were in good health.  In order to make such pictures real, for the past 20 years the last Wednesday in May has been dedicated to promoting health and fitness among older adults. 

National Women's Health Week

National Women's Health Week (#NWHW) began as an effort by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health to get women to take care of themselves.  The goal of this effort is for women to make health a priority and remain well-women.  

National Physical fitness month banner

Gastric bypass and Lap banding. Most of us know that these phrases refer to weight loss in some way. These are actually the most common weight loss surgeries performed today.

How did such words creep into our conversations? The answer to that lies in the most recent statistics published by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) that says more than one-third of adults, 34.9%, in America are obese. 

Dance Fitness Gives Back

Shazzy Fitness is set to participate in the global dance experience, “Kurema: Moving at the Speed of Peace”, a RDDC event, hosting free dance classes on April, 26 2014 to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide. 

RDDC will offer dance classes around the world in as many styles as possible to not only raise awareness of the lives lost in the Rwandan genocide, but also as an illuminating look at the power of dance as a means of healing, educating and growing.

Earl “E.DOT” Hackney III was born on the east side of Detroit Michigan. His parents had a total of four children, three daughters plus their youngest and only son, whom they named Earl. I had the opportunity to speak with Earl about what led to his personal decision to walk away from a music deal as a secular artist and run toward Christ.

When God is calling, you have to answer.

Foodie Friday
This week Antonio shows how to create a healthy, gluten-free & guilt-free egg custard ...gotta love that!
  • 2 min read

Bentina Terry

I am SUPER excited to announce that over the next few weeks, we'll have a series of posts from guest bloggers.  It's a big deal for us, because it allows us to collaborate and connect with other like-minded souls, and to share their amazing life experiences with you, our beloved Shazzy Fitness family. Each of our guest bloggers has been prayerfully selected, and share our same characteristics of high standards, integrity, courage, confidence and most of all, faith. 

Kristy McCarley

Hi! I'm Kristy, CEO of Shazzy Fitness. Congratulations on making it to the end of the Move, Groove, Amen 7 Day Challenge!  We are SO excited to hear about all the workouts you each chose to do on the last day AND how that bonus workout went!!

We created Shazzy Fitness for real people, people like you and me,with very busy lives who are looking fora fitness solution that's fun, convenient and makes us feel good from the inside out.

  • 1 min read

Praise him with trimbel and dancing

Ok it's Day 5 now and I don't know about you, but I've started to notice that even I'm a bit slow getting started with the workout (cause I'm the best procrastinator on the planet), once I'm finished with the workout I'm actually ready to do more. I mean, it doesn't just get my heart pumping, but the moves and music and the choreography are challenging enough so that I don't get bored but also not so hard that I get totally frustrated.

2 Corinthians 2:14

I really can't believe the weekend is here.  The entire week has been a bit of a whirlwind. Today is actually a very special day because we will be leading the first official Shazzy Fitness class at a church in Alpharetta, Georgia. Since releasing the video, people have been asking us, "Where can I take a class?". 

Today's workout is the VICTORY workout. This workout contains one of the fan faves - a Bollywood inspired routine that is probably one of the most talked about routines on the DVD. It has a lot of repetition, which makes it fairly easy to learn - but the moves are deceivingly intense.


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