- September 07, 2020
- 3 min read

- August 08, 2017
- 4 min read
Kindness. It is defined as a quality or state of mind where one is warm, charitable or caring towards another. And today the 13th of November is recognized as World Kindness Day. It is a day where people get to demonstrate acts of kindness to each other. A day where we all have the power to make a difference in someone else's life.
- November 13, 2014
- 1 min read
November is mostly associated with Turkey and Thanksgiving, but the American Academy of Dermatology has also designated this month as Healthy Skin Month. Our skin is the largest organ in our body and is our first line of defense against pathogens. So this November take time out to care for this organ.
- November 03, 2014
- 1 min read
October is here and along with it there's a hint of Fall in the air. As we get back to routine, our days get busier and busier. After-school activities, long commutes, homework, and household chores dictate the course of our nights. So when and how do we squeeze in family dinners? If the answer is never or rarely, you need to make an effort to change that. And October is just the time for that change.
October is Eat Better, Eat Together month. It is a time for families to come together and have quality time during dinner. A number of research studies have suggested that eating dinners as a family has many advantages:
- October 06, 2014
- 2 min read
Did you know that the iconic smiley face was created in 1963 by Harvey Ball, an artist from Worcester, Massachusetts. This image went on to become a symbol for good will and happiness, and universally it is recognized by all irrespective of our politics and religion. But the over-commercialization of the smiley face left Ball worried as he felt the symbol was losing its value and purpose. This concern compelled Ball to create World Smile Day.
World Smile Day has just one purpose - all of us need to devote one day to making people around us smile through our acts of kindness. This day was first celebrated in 1999 and since then has been observed every year on the first Friday in October.
September 27th marks the 18th annual Family Health & Fitness Day. This day is the nation's largest family event where thousands of families across the country participate. The primary goal of this day is to get families involved in fitness related activities, encouraging them to exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle. FHFD also gives families an opportunity to try out the various fitness programs offered by the local community.
- September 27, 2014
- 1 min read

Today is the 13th annual National Women’s Health & Fitness Day. An estimated 80,000 to 100,000 women of all ages are expected to participate in fitness related activities all over the country on this day. It has been reported that more than 1,000 groups across the country will host women’s health and fitness events at senior centers, hospitals, health clubs, park and recreation districts, local health and service organizations, schools, retirement communities, houses of worship, and other community locations.
- September 24, 2014
- 2 min read